Ludovico Einaudi
I Giorni
Ludovico Einaudi for the extraordinary album I Giorni draws from Mali the primary source of inspiration. It is a record composed of ballads and simple melodies inspired by the land of storytellers and ancient musical traditions.
Einaudi himself says of this last effort: «One evening, some time ago, in Bamako, Mali, I was wandering through the city in my car with musician Toumani Diabate. It was hot. We had the radio on and at some point, it started playing a song, a song a little soft and gloomy. While driving Toumani told me that it was one of the oldest and most loved songs of the Mandè repertoire, from the XXI century, titled “Mali Sajio”. […]. It is played to mourn the loss of a king or an important person, or for the regret felt towards a loved one. It’s on the basis of this suggestion, of this scent, that I inserted it in the record in four different versions».
Among the brilliant tracks in the album, “I Giorni” is the one that stands out the most thanks to the meditative atmosphere and the deep melody that repeats itself in a minimalist style.
1. Melodia Africana I 2:17
2. I Due Fiumi 4:21
3. In Un’Altra Vita 5:20
4. Melodia Africana II 2:07
5. Stella Del Mattino 2:13
6. I Giorni 5:59
7. Samba 4:14
8. Melodia Africana III 4:19
9. La Nascita Delle Cose Segrete 4:23
10. Quel Che Resta 4:22
11. Inizio 3:27
12. Limbo 4:28
13. Bella Notte 5:14
14. Canzone Africana IV 7:32