Micah P. Hinson
If you think that the Micah P. Hinson’s biography is too true to be good, just listen how he manages to trans- figure his life here, in the filigree of these eleven tales of love, loss and regret. Just listen to his weathered, husky, prophet-like voice, to his intense biblical psalmody, to his music pouring down the truth even from major chords, to his artist heart once again laid bare. His music is hardly reassuring, but that’s the folk, ba- bies! it comes from far, from famine and sorrow and plague. As an ancient rhapsode, Micah P. Hinson sews up and embroiders his songs as a beautiful lacework, with his gaze firmly stuck into the dark, the dust, the abyss…
The new Micah P. Hinson album comes up from five days and five nights of recording in a room naked to the bone in Irpinia, South Italy, and from a very accurate diamond-polishing production by Alessandro Asso Stefana (Pj Harvey, Mike Patton, Vinicio Capossela). As beautiful as an army with banners have also come to side with Micah and Asso the Raffaele Tiseo’s celestial strings, the Zeno De Rossi metaphysic drumming and the double bass gentleman Greg Cohen.
Charles Bukowsky once said that the style of a man is how he fights his way through the flames. Micah P. Hinson has fought his way through many flames in his life, but always with the effortlessness of a gypsy and the tenderness of an angel. Born into a strict fundamentalist Christian household in the sinful Memphis and grown up in the evangelist Abilene, he has experimented with music and narcotics, suffered the seduction and the abandon of a femme fatale, served a brief stint in the county lock-up, known failure, bankruptcy, drug addiction and walked his knees out of the coils of rehab – all before the age of 20. His debut was rec- orded in the winter of 2003 with assistance from Texas chamber pop collective The Earlies, followed by three albums of original material and one all-covers album “all dressed up and smelling of strangers”. In 2011, other flames: a near-fatal car crash paralyzed his arms for months as long as the hope of the poor. He spent his recovery time listening to some demo-recording he’d made before the crash. The material eventually culminated in the darkest and most intensely personal collection of songs from him thus far and gar- nered widespread critical acclaim. His most recent work is from 2018: “recorded in one day somewhere in Texas” with meticulous lowlife style, in the reflecting light of his vision. At this point each record is a final confrontation with himself, each song shakes with danger. When the time of preaches is over, each day is a show-down.
Micah P. Hinson’s new album, “I Lie To You“, released in December 2022 for Ponderosa Music Records is the result of five days and five nights of recording in a bare as a bone room in Irpinia and a production work very accurate, as a crystal polisher, by Alessandro Asso Stefana (Pj Harvey, Mike Patton, Vinicio Capossela). To give them support, there are the celestial strings of Raffaele Tiseo, the metaphysical drums of Zeno De Rossi and that gentleman of the double bass who is Greg Cohen.
Thirty-one days, sixteen artists artists and sixty-one concerts
Thirty-one. Sixteen. Sixty-one. Thirty-one for the days in the month of July. Sixteen for the number of artists from the Ponderosa team who will play live on tour throughout the course of this month. Sixty-one, for the number of concerts they will perform all around Italy. These are blessed numbers for live performers, who were hit hard by the lockdown and color-coded restrictions during the Covid-19 pandemic.