September “Chez Ponderosa”. Summer Is Not Over Yet

01.09.2021, by Giacomo Luperini
This September, Ponderosa ends the summer with a bang, welcoming autumn with a string of festivals and concerts
Twenty-one concerts to celebrate the twenty-three days separating us from the Autumn Equinox, the day when the Sun will reach its highest point over the Equator, officially marking the beginning of a new season.
The sweltering summer heat is slowly dwindling, the leaves are falling, but our stages are still white-hot, glowing with a long blaze of summer sounds to warm our days.

We begin on Friday, September 3rd with Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino, ending their Italian tour in Milan’s Parco Forlanini, as part of the Notti Tarantate festival. After that, there will be one last chance to see them perform live, on September 23rd at the Teatre Grec in Barcelona (ES), as part of the traditional celebrations known as Festes de la Mercè.
The summer tour led by the iconic singer-songwriter Cristina Donà is also coming to an end. After traveling up and down Italy with her music, Cristina Donà will perform on September 5th on the stage of the Teatro Romani in Fiesole (FI) and on the 5th as part of the Karel Music Expo in Cagliari.
September will also offer us three more chances to listen to poly-instrumentalist Rachele Bastreghi, also known as the lead female vocalist of Baustelle. Together with her own Psychoband, her “Psychodonna tour” will take her to the Santa Lucia amphitheater in Prato on September 5th, to the Mole Vanvitelliana in Ancona on September 10th, and at Rome’s Roma Europa Festival on the 30th.

Davide Boosta Dileo will also regale us with one last, not-to-be-missed performance. The DJ, presenter, keyboardist, lyricist and co-founder of Subsonica will bring his juicy, expertly mixed sounds onto the stage of the Anfiteatro di Monte Sirai in Carbonia (CA), on September 8th.

The unstoppable Giovanni Truppi continues his Italian tour without a break, performing well into the month of October. For now we can officially confirm his upcoming September dates: on the 9th he will be in Venice for the “Isola Edipo” festival, on the 18th he will perform at the Parco delle Albere in Trento, while on the 25th he will be in Naples as part of the “Ricomincio dai libri” festival, organized by FOQUS.

If you wish to attend a live performance by renowned singer-songwriter Pacifico, who is about to bring his long summer tour to a close, your last chance will be on September 10th at the Cantiere Poetico poetry festival in Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN).

Kora maestro Ballaké Sissoko will join his cousin, poly-instrumentalist griot storyteller Baba Sissoko, on the stage of Castello di Tutino in Tricase on September 11th. A priceless chance to listen to two or the most acclaimed musicians from Mali.

September 11th is also the last date scheduled for Francesco Bianconi’s busy summer tour. The frontman of Baustelle will give a solo performance at the Mole Vanvitelliana in Ancona.

On September 12th, cellist Redi Hasa will rejoin accordionist-composer Rocco Nigro at the Festival Isole Che Parlano on the enchanting island of Spargi, in Comune della Maddalena.

Our colorful September program could not miss the interesting rap-jazz combination created by Al JazZeera feat. Frankie Hi-Nrg MC. You will be able to catch the last live performance of this successful fusion of genres on September 19th in San Marco in Lamis (FG) as part of the Mo’l’estate Spirit Festival.
Our September tours will close with a bang with a performance by Piccola Orchestra degli Avion Travel, scheduled for September 27th at the Festambiente Terra Felix– The Environmentalist festival of Campania – in Succivo (CE).

Finally, the month of September brings one last big announcement: the start of our Autunno Boreale festival, at the Volvo Studio in Milan, featuring an array of great Scandinavian musicians who will accompany us with their performances until November 18th. The festival will begin on September 7th with a concert by Icelandic singer-songwriter Ólöf Arnalds, who at long last kick-started her solo career by touching new chords of the magical folk imagination of the North with her delicate, poetic voice.