
Stuart Braithwaite

Parma (PR) – IT

  • 24.11.2023
  • 21:00
  • Auditorium del Carmine
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Il termine “trovatore” viene utilizzato fin troppo facilmente oggi giorno, ma nessuno ne racchiude lo spirito del significato originale più di Micah P. Hinson. Orgogliosamente proveniente dal gigantesco stato del Texas, i testi Stuart Braithwaite, born in 1976, is the leader and guitarist of the Scottish band Mogwai, a milestone in post-rock musical history. He grew up listening to The Cure, Joy Division, and The Velvet Underground, and his passion for music led him to experiment with genres and sounds. This tendency towards experimentation made Braithwaite one of the most fascinating and versatile musicians of the whole music international panorama.


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