Climate Space: Rearing, Cohabiting, Growing, Renewing and Safeguarding

22.11.2021, by Giacomo Luperini
Fifteen days, focusing on five different themes, to examine how the relationship between human beings and nature is changing under pressure from the climate crisis.
The natural and human world are often perceived, mistakenly, as distinct and separate. And yet, the link between the two is inevitable, irreplaceable and deep. Art itself, the most human of needs, is directly rooted in the sense of ecstasy derived from nature, feeding itself on beauty, transforming it and giving it back as a different, completely renewed beauty. There is no art without nature, the first among all Muses. Perhaps for this reason, Climate Space creator Ludovico Einaudi chose to hold his own long summer tour inside natural parks and valuable protected areas all around Italy. This year’s Climate Space festival, running from December 1st through the 18th at Milan’s Teatro Dal Verme, is back as an ideal continuation of Einaudi’s intent with his tour, to bring nature and our relationship with it into the very heart of Milan.
Climate Space was born in 2019, with a first edition held at Teatro Dal Verme, from an idea by Ludovico Einaudi and curated by Francesco Cara and Ponderosa Music & Art. After its first year, the festival was forced to pause because of Covid restrictions, and was then reborn with the Climate Space Film & Music Festival held this past summer in Melpignano (LE). This December, Climate Space will go back to its roots, while at the same time using its wealth of past experiences to renovate itself.
The winning formula, alternating art and science and managing to achieve a difficult coexistence between data and poetry, remains unchanged, thanks to a selection of seventeen short movies, live sound additions, and workshops on environmental education, as well as debates and meetings with directors and environmental groups. The festival’s fifteen days will be divided into five main themes, an ideal continuation of those chosen for this summer’s Climate Space Film & Music Festival held in Melpignano.
Over the summer, in the Salento region, the selection of short movies and debates had centered around the themes of “Woodland, Energy, Sea, Matter and Earth”, almost as though to shine a spotlight on the protagonists (both willing and unwilling) of the consequences of the current climate crisis. Francesco Cara, Climate Space curator, explained the aims of this new edition held at Teatro Dal Verme:
We want to look closely at five forms of relationships with nature that are respectful of it (rearing, cohabiting, growing, renewing, safeguarding) and that, each in its own way, help sustain biodiversity, keep ancestral cultures alive, provide answers to the climate crisis and create economic activity. Even though these stories mainly hail from the rural world, the principles at play are valid for any human activity which takes care to minimize its impact on the environment and maximize its contribution to a regeneration of nature and society. We hope these stories may offer points for reflection and stimulate new practices and initiatives.
As it happened before (and as we hope will happen again) Climate Space will present itself as an immersive space, an accompaniment to concerts by Ludovico Einaudi at Teatro Dal Verme, to spark emotion, reflection and a resolve to act.
The full program is available to be consulted online at
Climate Space Film & Music Festival was born from an idea by Ludovico Einaudi, developed by Francesco Cara and produced by Ponderosa Music & Art
Climate Space Official Website