
Ludovico Einaudi

12 Songs from Home

12 Songs From Home, una speciale raccolta digitale di 12 tracce registrata in casa durante il picco del lockdown in Italia.

Include alcune dei brani più significativi della sua carriera e opere d’arte disegnate da Ludovico Einaudi stesso. L’uscita segue diversi live streaming che sono stati guardati da migliaia di persone sulla sua pagina Instagram.

Ascolta “12 Songs from Home” a questo link


12 Songs From Home, a special 12-track digital collection recorded at home during the peak of Italy’s lockdown.

It features some of the best-known works from his career and artwork drawn by the composer. The release follows several live streams that were watched by thousands of people at a time on his Instagram page.

Listen to “12 Songs from Home” here

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